$HPX Fair Launch
Last updated
Last updated
Token Name: Hyperion Exchange Token
Symbol: $HPX
Total Supply: 1 Billion $HPX
Valuation: 1 Million USD
Event Start Time: 2024-02-02 00:00 UTC
3% Vertex & GMX User Airdrop
Fetch Vertex holders & GMX traders at a specific time from Dune. These users, when they trade on HyperionX and complete certain trading tasks, can receive a certain amount of airdropped tokens $HPX.
White list address snapshot time: January 19, 2024.
Claim rules: 1. White list address; 2. User's cumulative trading volume on HyperionX reaches 1,000 U.
Airdrop quantity rules: Comprehensive consideration of Vertex token holders' and GMX traders' circumstances, airdrop different amounts of $HPX.
10% ZKFair Community
7% $ZKF stakers
1% $ZKF holders
1% $DID holders
1% $ZKFair Pass holders Release Rules: 10% of the total ZKFair community airdrop will be released immediately after the $HPX trading event concludes. The remaining 90% will be linearly released over the subsequent 60 days. For further details, please visit https://zkfair.io/fairlaunch.
12% HyperionX protocol contributors
Start Time: 2024-02-02 00:00:00 UTC
End Time: 2024-08-01 00:00:00 UTC
Allocation Quantity: 300,000,000
$HPX Valuation: $300,000
Allocation Method: The first day of the event is designated for free staking, allowing users ample time to complete their staking. 300,000,000 $xHPX tokens will be injected into the staking reward pool on the second day of the event (February 3, 2024, at 00:00 UTC). The distribution will occur every second, based on the real-time staking reward coefficient ratio of each user. A total of 1,666,666.666666 $xHPX tokens will be distributed daily.
Estimated $xHPX = Your current staked token reward points / Total staked token reward points * $xHPX distribution amount.
Reward points = Staked amount * Staking duration Multiplier.
Staking Duration
10 Days
60 Days
120 Days
180 Days
During the event, $xHPX will be distributed. After the conclusion of the first phase of the trading event, $xHPX to $HPX contract will be opened. Users will then be able to exchange their $xHPX for $HPX at a 1:1 ratio.
User A, B, and C participated in staking, starting from February 2nd. The details of their staking are as follows:
Staking Amount
Staking Duration
Reward Points
From February 3rd to February 12th, the daily distribution of tokens will be as follows:
24,875.621890 1,666,666.666666*10/(10+120+540)
298,507.462686 1,666,666.666666*120/(10+120+540)
1,343,283.582089 1,666,666.666666*540/(10+120+540)
On February 12th, User A's staking period will expire, and they can unlock their stake at any time. The distribution of tokens will vary depending on whether User A chooses to unlock their stake.
User A keeps staking
24,875.621890 1,666,666.666666*10/(10+120+540)
298,507.462686 1,666,666.666666*120/(10+120+540)
1,343,283.582089 1,666,666.666666*540/(10+120+540)
User A unlock
303,030.3030301818 1,666,666.666666*120/(120+540)
1,363,636.3636358182 1,666,666.666666*540/(120+540)
400,000,000 $xHPX will be distributed over multiple stages of the event.The information for the first stage of the event is as follows:
Start Time: 2024-02-02 00:00 UTC
End Time: 2024-02-07 00:00 UTC
Allocation Quantity: 80,000,000 $HPX
Valuation: $80,000
Allocation Method: The event will be divided into five phases, with each phase lasting one day. During each phase, 16,000,000 $xHPX tokens will be distributed. The distribution of these $xHPX each day will be based on the proportion of fees contributed by users to the total fees received by the DEX on that day.
Estimated $xHPX = Fees actually contributed by the user on that day / Fees actually collected by the DEX on that day * $xHPX distribution amount (16,000,000).
During the event, $xHPX will be distributed. After the conclusion of the first phase of the event, the $xHPX to $HPX contract will be opened. Users will then be able to exchange their $xHPX for $HPX at a 1:1 ratio.
Trading fees include transaction fees and price impact fees.
The following fees are not included in the fees calculated for the event and will not be refunded: funding fee, gas fee, and execution fee.
Any fees generated during the event exceeding $80,000 will be fully refunded to users.
Fees exceeding $16,000 per day will be fully refunded to all users trading that day, with the refunded fee data updated everyday and distributed in a lump sum after the event. Refunded fees to users = (DEX's actual daily fees collected - $16,000) / DEX's actual daily fees collected * User's actual fees incurred.
The actual fees collected by the DEX last day
The actual fees contributed by TOM last day
The fees refunded to TOM
Estimated $xHPX
2.3 00:00
1,000,000 (16000000*1000/16000)
2.4 00:00
$200 (1000*(20000-16000)/20000)
800,000 (16000000*1000/20000)
2.5 00:00
$400 (2000*(20000-16000)/20000)
1,600,000 (16000000*2000/20000)
The Liquidty for HPX/USDC will be added to: https://sideswap.finance/#/pool